Absolute Collagen Skin Care Review

A couple of weeks ago I went to the yellow themed launch of Absolute Collagen Skin Care. They’d just announced Emma Willis as the face of the brand so she was there too and it was all very lovely – as launches go, it was one of the more impressive ones because there was a lot of attention to detail with decoration, food and seating (lunch). Launches aren’t always comfortable to attend but this one was very relaxed and pleasant – I stayed longer than I thought I would. Weirdly, I was wearing a yellow scarf – a colour I have so little of in my wardrobe.

I’m new to the Absolute Collagen brands – I get contacted by a lot of supplement brands and it’s usually something to do with anti-ageing so I tend to ignore unless I really feel curious. You’ll probably know Absolute Collagen for its supplements and their entry into the skin care market is new. I’ll get the elephant in the room out of the way first – Deep Lift. I don’t like it all – there are so many ways to be age positive, and the funny thing is that they are…Maxine, co-founder, could not be more age positive if she tried…and this was an opportunity to use their words wisely and it’s missed. Healthy, flourishing skin has nothing to do with lifting, deeply or otherwise, and I’d suggest that there is no topical cream that can create such a lift it could be described as deep. There, I’ll carry on.

The clinicals (from a top line view) look impressive with improvements in skin firmness and hydration. There are some stats I’m not taking any notice of such as hydration (it would be a terrible cream that didn’t improve it!) and also the unreliable ‘89% who felt protected all day’ using the Deep Lift Day Cream. I don’t know what that means or what questions were asked to ascertain that statement. Absolute Collagen Skin Care is using Matrixyl 3000 – Matrixyl is a trusted ingredient that’s not new but does the job, ceramides, which also feature, are reliable and Niacinamide is another trusted ingredient. So, the formulas are right for reliability and efficacy.

The textures are impressive – I can see great care has been taken with these – the Neck & Dec cream in particular just sinks into the skin. It’s light and comfortable. In fact, they’re all comfortable in the wear – nothing feels heavy or sticky.

That’s Emma and co-founder Maxine – both extremely good advocates for the skin care. Both are utterly glowing.

In terms of hydration, you will have no complaints – on a top line test it’s impossible to say whether any deep lifting will occur – I doubt it – but I do feel confident that in terms of smoothing the skin, giving a luscious glow and maintaining a healthy looking complexion, all boxes are ticked. When it comes to price, the Day Cream, Night Cream and Neck & Decollete Cream are all £55 for 50ml but the eye cream is £50 (I haven’t tested that). So, right on the mid point in terms of affordability. I know that Absolute Collagen has die-hard fans that will relish this range – I love the look of it, the brightness of the packaging, the care taken over textures and the reliability of their key ingredients. It’s a masterclass in skin care for older women other than the name, but that’s my personal view. You can find all the products, including some impressive before and afters that made me wonder if I should be taking the AC supplement drink.

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